Stay Connected


Take a Break. Stay Connected

This website is a space where those who just need a break can come together and either participate in relaxation techniques or de-stress by playing fun games with friends, coworkers, or classmates.

Why was the website created?

The website was created to ensure that people could find a way to relax and de-stress from their long virtual classes, and it provides a space where they can do quick activities between classes or during a break by either being able to reset their mind, energize their bodies, or connecting with classmates and coworkers through fun activities.


Amongst the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been harder for classmates, colleagues, and coworkers to come together in a more meaningful way than just signing into a virtual meeting and talking about the tasks they need to complete. Being able to take a break but still collaborating and spending unrelated enjoyable time with the same people you’re working with in a way that is energizing, fun, relaxing, or therapeutic can be a great way to improve overall academic and workplace productivity and can help strengthen relationships within these settings. Through [website], we encourage those who interact virtually to use this platform to feel as connected as possible to those they may be working with during these hard times.

What is Zoom Fatique?

Zoom fatigue” describes the tiredness, worry, or burnout associated with overusing virtual platforms of communication. Like other experiences associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Zoom fatigue is widely prevalent, intense, and completely new. Audio has been proposed as the main reason that video meetings are draining. It turns out that millisecond delays in virtual verbal responses negatively affect our interpersonal perceptions, even without any internet or technical issues. Other explanations attribute the fatigue to an underlying predisposition painted by the pandemic backdrop, such as increased financial stress and unemployment. Cognitive factors are also likely to contribute to fatigue as an increased ability to virtually multitask threatens our attentional capacity.

About Us

Meet Our Team

Shayla McJunkin (she/her) is a senior at Simmons University who’s double majoring in Psychology and Music Performance and minoring in Business Management. She may not have coding experience, but her psychological passions and research skills have provided the content to make this website a reality. She hopes to help people around the world develop meaningful relationships with those virtually around them amongst the COVID-19 pandemic and keep people connected.

Grace Ding (she/her) is in her second year at Northeastern University studying Computer Science and Business. She is interested in the intersection of these two fields, particularly using technology to create new things. Grace’s tech experience is mostly in software and mobile development, so enjoyed learning some web development skills for this project.

Nardos Alemu is a freshmen at Simmons University majoring in Computer Science. She is interested in exploring different programming languages and using technology to solve real-world problem. She hopes to explore what the filed. Nardos hopes to explore the different the different paths the field has to offer during her college years.

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